Exercise is most practical and likely to happen if it suits your lifestyle. It’s best if it takes place naturally, without having to be planned for, but it’s better to plan for it than not to do it at all. Remember, you don’t have to do your daily half-hour of aerobic exercise all at once. You can take it in ten-minute chunks, spaced throughout the day if you prefer. Here are some ideas to improve your health at work and home by –
- If you commute by train, walk to the station instead of taking the taxi or auto
- If you go by bus, walk to the bus stop instead of getting a ride and consider walking on the next bus stop instead.
- Walk upstairs at work instead of taking the elevator or escalator. or if you work high up in a skyscraper, walk the last few flights.
- Avoid sitting down during your lunch break, go for a walk instead.
- Take a brisk half-hour walk with your baby in the stroller or baby carriage
- Run upstairs at home
- Use an exercise video
- Go to a gym or pool with a playpen so your baby can sleep safely or, with luck, watch contentedly while you exercise
- Go to a gym or pool with another mom and take turns caring for each other’s baby while the other swims.
- Consider attending an exercise class with a nursery.
- Throw away the TV remote control
it’s wise to encourage the peak bone mineral density (BMD) that you reach in your late 20s, or early 30s to be as high as possible. Vitamin D will help your bones take up calcium and while you can absorb this vitamin from your diet, the best way of getting it is from the action of bright daylight on your skin.
Research has found that just two hours a week of sunlight on your bare face, arms and legs between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. in the summer allows you to make and store enough vitamin D to meet your needs throughout the coming winter.
However, too much sun can burn your skin, make it age prematurely and encourage skin cancer. So take care not to overexpose yourself. Always wear a good Sunscreen Protection lotion while going out in sun especially in summer. Sunscreen protection lotion will protect you from harmful UV rays of sun which cause many skin problems.
When you choose where you want to live, it’s worth putting health consideration somewhere near the top of your list. For example –
- If you live in a town or city, it might be wise (especially if you have asthma) to live somewhere with fresher air, such as several stories up, or, in a hilltop, or to move to the suburbs or beyond.
- Choose somewhere dry. if necessary, pay a surveyor to measure moisture levels, then take steps to make your home damp-proof
- Avoid the stress of poor soundproofing. A noisy neighbor can stop you sleeping and generally make your life hell.
- Have gas appliances checked annually for safety and to ensure there are no carbon monoxide emissions
As a young woman out in the world of work, studying at college or working as a full-time mom looking after your children, you have a duty to look after your health. You owe this to yourself, to those who love and rely on you, and to your employees or college staff.
Being young doesn’t make you immune to the pressures of poor working conditions. But it could mean you don’t know how to do anything about them.
Two of the commonest health concerns for young women are fatigue and period problems.
Feeling tired generally results from burning the candle at the both ends-working hard and playing hard. This is fine sometimes but it isn’t if you lose out on sleep and rest.
As a student, for example, you may find that if you party until the early hours on Friday and Saturdays night, then sleep until noon, your energy level the next day is fine. But if you continue partying through to Sunday night, you might miss classes on Monday morning because you can’t get out of bed.
Also Read: Sleep Apnea Getting a Good Night’s Sleep Is Important
Some ambitious young women determined to get ahead in their careers find themselves working very long hours. But if working late for days on end means you return to work jaded and not feeling at your best, this is clearly unproductive for you and your employer
As for young mothers, they may have broken nights and early morning, and these, together ‘with staying up late to get some uninterrupted time, may make them exhausted.
Period Problems:
The hormones produced by the pituitary gland in the brain are largely responsible for the timing and length of your periods, as well as for how heavy they are.
The levels of these hormones are strongly, including the food you eat, your body weight, the amount of exercise you take, the exposure your eyes get to bright daylight, your emotional state and your stress level.
Working too hard can lead to period problems if it means you spend too little time attending to your basic needs in these areas. you may, for example, suffer from period pain, heavy periods, irregular periods or your periods may even stop completely if you do not look after yourself.
- Eat a diet that doesn’t provide you with enough nutrients
- Lose too much weight
- Take too much or too little exercise
- Go outside in bright daylight too infrequently
- Are shocked, or feel emotionally disturbed for long
- Feel over-stressed for a long period of time
So if, as a young woman at work, you become overtired or develop period problems, look to your lifestyle first. Making simple adjustments to the way you live your life could work wonders.