Dry Skin Care: How To Get Rid of Dry Skin

get rid of dry skin

Dry Skin feels unpleasant and stings when the weather is wet, cold or windy. Conditions that roughen skin include excessive immersion in water, dermatitis, psoriasis, shingles, chickenpox, prickly heat, goose bumps and flaking sunburn.

Another common cause is photo-damage from years of sun exposure. tiny rough spots (keratosis pilaris), resembling goose bumps on face, chest, back, upper arms, and thighs are worse in winter and more likely with eczema and usually go in a person’s 20s.

Treatment For Dry Skin –

Lifestyle – More exercise and sleep sometimes improve skin quality and texture. wear rubber gloves when working with water.

Food and Drink –


Eat more foods rich in essential fatty acids and beta carotene to smooth skin.


Eat more vitamin B2-rich foods; a deficiency encourages soreness and cracking

Dry Skin

Have more water and foods containing the skin friendly nutrients beta carotene, vitamin C and E, Zinc and essential fatty acids.

Food Supplements to cure –

  • Borage (Sunflower) oil and Cod lever oil for roughness
  • Vitamin B complex for cracks
  • A multivitamin and mineral supplement and fish oil for dryness


Cracked Soles

Before bed time, massage with two teaspoons of sweet almond oil containing five drops of frankincense, myrrh, and patchouli or benzoin oil. Slip a polyethene bag on your foot, then a sock. the next morning apply a non-adherent “burns” dressing, bandage or “heel-cracked bandage” to help to keep the moisture in and smooth the skin.

Cracked Lips

Mix two drops of rose oil with the contents of two capsules of evening primrose oil and apply a little of this oil in morning and night.

Dry Skin Remedies

Cracked Lips

Bathe with carrot tea, this contains healing vitamin, mineral and flavonoids

Cracked Soles

Soften callused skin by soaking in strong chamomile tea for ten minutes. alternatively, apply a paste made from six crushed aspirin tablets and half a teaspoon each of water and lemon juice. Encase your foot overnight in a plastic bag, then a sock. The next morning, remove the softened skin with a callus file or pumice sone and work in some rich cream.

Use a good Foot Cream to soften the foot skin that is dryer and thicker than the other parts of the body

General Skin care

Dry Skin

Wear gloves and barrier cream to protect your hands. Moisturize your skin well, especially after a bath. Use a sun screening moisturizer or foundation cream by day and nourish your skin at night with a cream enriched with evening primrose or starflower oil and Vitamin A and E

Cracked Lips

Don’t lick sore lips as this encourage even more uncomfortable “lip licker’s dermatitis”.